
Submission Guidelines
  • Include your name, age and a title with your submission, along with a brief sentence stating that you give us permission to publish your work on this blog and that we can edit your (written) work, if necessary.  Once we accept your work we will post it and invite you to be an author of the blog, then you'll be able to post your work yourself. 
  • Your age will not be posted on the blog and (unless you tell us differently) we will only use your first name to protect your privacy. 
  • For written work, please send your polished and edited prose or poetry to
  • For artwork please email a digital image of your work in a JPG file to the above address along with the medium of the original piece.   
  • SOMOS Youth reserves the right to edit any written submissions or take down any posts by invited authors as it deems fit. (We are committed to not censoring work, but will not tolerate trollishness and may replace profanity with ****  because some of our readers are very young. Please think about your audience before you post.)
  • The rights to all work are retained by the authors and artists.

Guidelines for Commenting
  • Please keep all comments, questions and feedback positive.  This blog is not intended to be a place to critique each others work, but to share and inspire.  
  • No bullying, snarking, belittling or other troll-ish behavior tolerated! All comments will be moderated before posting (meaning that we review all comments before they are posted).
  • Please take into account the audience of your comments, some readers and authors are middle school students.
  • Before giving someone advice on their work, ask if they are open to hearing it. If you can't find something relate to in someone's work, don't comment on it.